The South Carolina Victim Assistance Network does not discriminate in providing services on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, political affiliation or belief, religion, a religious belief or a refusal to hold a religious belief, or a refusal to attend or participate in a religious practice.
Apply For Legal Services
Are you a victim or survivor in need of legal assistance? Call 803-509-6552 to begin the intake process. Intakes and legal consultations are confidential. We do not disclose your information to anyone outside of the Legal Department without your written consent.
Para nuestra línea de admisión de español, llame al 864-312-6456. Para nuestro formulario en español, haga clic en el botón de abajo a la derecha.

How do I apply for services?
To begin our intake process by telephone, call us at (803) 509-6552 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. It will take 15-20 minutes to obtain necessary information. At this time, we are not accepting contested Family Cases (such as divorces, child custody, or DSS cases).
To begin online, submit the Online Intake Form and we will contact you as soon as possible to complete your intake.
To protect privacy and confidentiality, we must speak directly with the victim, not a third party, unless the third party is legally responsible for the victim.
Are you a Victim Service Provider and want to refer a victim?
Additional Questions
If you are in physical danger, call 911.
We are not a crisis service center, and we currently do not have the capacity to respond to emergency requests on an expedited basis. If you believe that you have an emergent legal matter, we suggest that you try to reach our staff by telephone at (803) 509-6552 before filling out an online intake form. Please note that the intake process takes approximately 7-10 business days.
Within a few days of our Wednesday intake meeting, we will contact individuals whose intakes were reviewed.
If we are unable to provide a legal consultation, we will provide available resources, recommendations, and/or referrals.
If we are able to provide a no-cost legal consultation, we match you with one of our attorneys and inform you what information and documentation should be submitted prior to that time. Examples are incident reports, court documents, and information that helps our staff provide the most comprehensive consultation possible.
A legal consultation is a private and confidential discussion of your case, your questions and concerns, legal advice, and ways our attorneys can assist you. This can be in the form of recommendations, referrals, legal representation by SCVAN, or a combination of those.
The consultation does not create an attorney-client relationship, but it is confidential. The attorney-client relationship is established through the execution of a retainer agreement. Eligibility for our services will be assessed during your consultation.
Yes. Contact us online here or call us at (803) 509-6552.